Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Week 12 Game Creation - Theme Space Survival

Like my last post on Game Creation this one will also follow the same process as my other Game Creation post, with the theme being "space survival". In class we each got a piece of paper with four columns the first column being something to do with space after writing down one item we handed the piece of paper to the person on our left and then wrote another item in the column we did this again two more time before we placed the pieces of paper in to a stack and then got handed a random piece. We then started column two with the first thing we wrote down was something that we needed to survive in space, an item that is needed to survive, a ally to help you and an enemy for the game which could be anything. the final two columns were three games from the arcade era of video games and final column being an item that does not exist and a place that does not exist.

Using these places, objects and things I needed to create 4 games with the theme of "space survival". In my first game you will have to run along the surface of the moon picking up O2 tanks to survive and try to reach your moon base.

The second game will have you play as a spaceship that needs to blast shooting stars out of the sky using the food pickups as fuel for your ship.

The third game you play as a blackhole that needs to grow bigger to do this you control it to swallow objects to make the blackhole bigger and pass the level, as the blackhole gets bigger so do the objects that it swallows and the bigger the object the more points you get.

My final game is a first person survival game where you play as a scavenger that goes around to abandoned or derelict space ships/stations to collect supplies so he can survive in space, with your ship you can scan the derelicts to see what they have and what you might need an example would be if on your ship you were low on food and a space station that you found had some then you will need to go over to find it so you can restock your supplies.

Now that i have four games I pick one that I would work on and go through the process of a in-depth design of the game and its workings

I've decided to go with the fourth game because of the simple design matched with the fun of exploring space and trying to survive in it. controls would be the simple W,A,S,D keys for your left, right, forward, and backwards while you use the mouse to move the camera to look around and the space button to fire your blaster. The only other mechanic would be your ability to collect different supplies to survive exploring space such as scrap(For fixing and upgrading the ship), oxygen(For your space suit so you can explore ships without any), Food(need resource to live), medicine packs(to fix wounds and replenish health) just to name a few of the resources to live and continue exploring space.

  Assets List
  • Hopkins (Character)
  • supplies
  • enemies
  • level tracks
Audio List

  • Munching sound(when Hopkins picks up food)
  • dark scary ambient music
  • Cry of pain (when Hopkins gets hit)
With an asset and audio list done work on the game would begin and that is the process of my second unity game.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Space Survival - Unity game 2

I was asked to come up with two game ideas with different themes and make them using Unity and 3DS max the first game was Tropical Island fun which I have already Blog about in a previous post. So now I have begun the second game with this post being similar to the Tropical island post, me explaining the concept, gameplay, backstory, mechanics and the level itself.

Lets start off with the environment and setting of the level for the game.Taking the theme of Space survival I have decided to set the game on an abounded space station in which you the (player) are trapped and cant get out. The level will be set out in a maze but you will have no way out and you have to survive as long as you can against the hordes of mutated crew of the SSV Muranga.

This is were gameplay comes in you will only be able to move and shoot your way through the dark halls of the Muranga to survive as long as you can with the time being your score. The mechanics that will play into the game will be the ability to shoot and if I get the time also add ammo to make it all the more difficult to survive.

Asset List

High Priority

  • Character
  • Monsters
  • Gun and bullets
  • Tracks (to build the level I will be making a set of tracks that I will join together making it easy to change level itself if needed.)

Audio List
  • Background music(eerie/suspense to set mood)
  • Monster growls/howls 
  • Gun firing 
I will be updating this post with a map of my level screenshots of the building of my level and how the how process is going in the coming weeks. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Tropical Island - unity game

I've been asked to demonstrate my skills with unity, game design, 3D modeling and Coding by creating a simple game with a tropical Island setting using unity and 3Ds Max.

With the setting and environment of the game set I go about creating a backstory to the game being you(the player) are Larry a man stranded on a tropical island, you have been trapped on the island for months and to stave off the creeping affects of insanity you decide to play a game to relive the stress of being on the island. Gameplay would be a paper thrower or in this case with coconuts instead, with goal being how many coconuts can  you get into the bowl in the allowed time.

The mechanics of the game would be simple so I can work on other aspects like coding without any trouble. The main mechanic would be throwing the coconut to the bowl to score a point, Another would keep score of how many coconuts have been scored and the final being a timer counting down giving the player a time limit to score as many points as possible.

I would then make an asset list for the level with things I'm going to need to create in 3Ds Max.

High Priority
  • coconut catcher
  • Coconut
  • Hut
Second Priority
  • Trees
With the Design of the game done and a asset list written up I can now go about creating the level for the game.

Asset started: Generator

This week I will be working on a number of assets but I will start on the generator that is needed for objective 3 of my game level I will later post updates to show my process of crating the generator as well as the completed asset and other assets the I will create.