Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Asset creation - Street Lamp model

Hey there this post here to talk about the model I made today for my game level and the process of how I created it.

Now depending on the type of street lamp you want to make mine is a simple base with a post and a hexagon like head but this can change on the street lamp you want to make. Now you start with a sphere and make it as big as necessary make sure you turn off smooth and then bring down the faces to about eight and then turn it into an edible poly select the faces on the bottom of the sphere and then delete them use the edge toll to select and cap the bottom. Now select the top vertices and bring it down in line with the ones below it this make the top now flat so you can make your post, select the ring of edges in the middle and use the connect tool to make a inner circle this will be your post it you click the button next to the connect button then you can make the circle as big as you want. Select the inner circle faces and use the extrude tool to make your post you can make it as tall as you want, now I selected the bases faces and used the scale tool to shape it to look better.

 I made another sphere like the first and then selecting faces from the middle down I shaped it to look like the head of a lamp (Like in the image above), if you look at street lamp at the top of the page then you will see that it had a metal casing around the glass to simulate this I used the edge tool to select the top and bottom edges from the middle faces of the lamp then used the connect tool to make two line on ether side of the middle line to simulate the metal casing since the faces in the middle of these lines are going to be where the glass texture will be applied.

 The model is done I also selected the bottom faces and beveled it so make the bottom part of the head of the model to make it point outwards to give it more character. With texturing I just used the UVW maping to fit the texture and it came out all right (as seen above) but if I was doing a high res model I would use the unrap to fit the texture to the model, but I am happy with how it turned out.

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