Diploma of Interactive Digital Media
Safe Workplace” Workbook
(Ensure Safe Workplace BSBOHS509)
(Ensure Safe Workplace BSBOHS509)
Student Name:Blair Findlay
Student Number:1103929113
SBIT Policy
Where can you find the OHS policies for SBIT
Employees and Students?
I coudn't find the OH&S policies, the only reference i could find was on the SBIT website on the student handbook that stated that "Students had a reponsibility to work safetly."
Identify three ways you could communicate these
policies to SBIT Employees and Students?
Explain what is meant by “Duty of Care”.
The legal obligation to safeguard others
from harm while they are in your care, using your services, or exposed to your
activities i.e. your hospital has a duty of care to you and your baby.
Identify the relevant OHS legislative and where
it is applicable.
How it is applicable
To help manage space and help Staff and
Students be safe when acting in or around confined spaces
When was “Safe Work Australia Council” formed
and what is the address of their web site?
The Safe work Australia council was formed on the 31st
of march 2009 their website address is
What is the role of Safe Work Australia?
raise awareness of work health and safety as a key issue in the
improve work health and safety, by understanding what influences
Australian workplace cultures and then putting in place mechanisms to effect
harmonise work health and safety laws throughout Australia
develop national work health and safety and workers’
compensation policy, and
identify opportunities for improvement in workers’ compensation
This is achieved by:
promoting work health and safety through events including
National Safe Work Australia Week and the annual Safe Work Australia Awards
developing, implementing and driving the new National Work
Health and Safety Strategy 2012–2022
developing, implementing and monitoring the harmonised work
health and safety framework
developing and implementing the National Workers’ Compensation
Action Plan 2010–2013
developing and maintaining collaborative Australian and
international partnerships on work health and safety, and
monitoring, collecting, analysing and reporting on research and
data for work health and safety and workers’ compensation policy development
and evaluation.
Wikipedia.(n.d)Retrived from
What is the purpose of the “New National OHS
the purpose of the New National OHS Framework is to achieve greater national consistency across OHS jurisdictions' regulatory frameworks.
What are the 5 national policies under the
“National OHS Strategy 2002 – 2012”?
- National standards declared by the ASCC that will be the basis for jurisdictional regulations. National standards will be focused on safety and health requirements and will be specified as safety outcomes where possible.
- National codes of practice declared by the ASCC that will be the basis for jurisdictional approved codes of practice. The codes will provide more focused practical guidance on how to meet a safety outcome.
- A core elements document that will provide the foundation for the consistent development of jurisdictional Acts and regulations by specifying the objects, principles and common general duties of care of a harmonised legislative system. It will guide those who draft, administer or are subject to OHS legislation to understand the intent of a nationally consistent OHS regulatory framework.
- A handbook that will document the agreed approach of the ASCC to the governance of the National Framework. It will describe the key components and the processes for their development, implementation and review.
- Guidance material.
Who are the 3 main OHS Contacts within Queensland ?
- Queensland Health
- OHS Australia
- Safe Work Australia
Use the templates
provided below to complete:
a. An
inspection report on your immediate work environment
b. A
hazard report
c. Risk
management report
Use the following risk rating and the extra information in
section x.
Very Likely
happen at any time
happen sometime
happen but very rarely
Very Unlikely
but probably never will
Fatality, loss of body function, hospitalisation
or serious damage
(High Priority)
(Med Priority)
Lost time injury or significant damage
(High Priority)
(Med Priority)
(Low Priority)
Medical treatment, not hospitalisation or minor
(High Priority)
(Med Priority)
(Low Priority)
First aid or potential damage only
(Med Priority)
(Low Priority)
Report A: Inspection report form
member 1: Team member 2:
Date: 7/05/14 Location:
H block
Inadequate tick (P) or N/A
Risk rating
Sufficient lighting over machinery and work area
Work Station set up
Lighting in good condition
All electrical equipment dry and clear of water
Electrical Extension Cords good condition/fixed in position
No double adaptors in use
Current Test and Tag
Emergency exits/passage ways not blocked
Fire extinguishers in good condition
Condition of First Aid Kit
Current Emergency Procedures Manual in place
Slipping/Tripping Hazards
General cleaning. Amenities
emergency numbers visible
Exit Light/signs
Report B: Hazard report form
In the
previous task you identified all the hazards in your immediate work
environment. This task requires that you identify a minimum of three hazards
and recommend specific actions.
Team member 1: Blair Team member 2:
Hazard 1 Details:
Description of Hazard:
Electrical Extension Cords not bind in some places or in fixed positions.
Risk Score:
4(Low Priority)
3. Immediate
actions that can be taken:
Tell teacher of problem and make sure no one uses area until further action can be done.
4. Further
Recommendations for Rectification:
Have Cords bind and check area for anymore unbounded cords.
Hazard 2 Details:
Description of Hazard:
Air conditioning is
not getting enough air through class room. This may be a health
with breathing/asthma problems may have trouble breathing resulting in health
or with low air flow there could be a build up of dust coursing in
students/staff or
others in getting sick.
Risk Score:
4(Low Piority)
3. Immediate
actions that can be taken:
Student to inform teacher, teacher to inform institute where
they will take the necessary actions to fix problem and find another class to
work in and inform other students of the risk.
Further Recommendations for Rectification:
Teacher may submit OHS report to the college /institute/employer requesting that the air
conditioning is replaced with another to avoid risk in the future.
Hazard 3 Details:
Description of Hazard:
Could not find a current Test and Tag on equipment in area.
Risk Score:
4(Low Priority)
3. Immediate
actions that can be taken:
Warn teacher of there being no test or tag on equipment so they can investigate if usage of equipment is possible
Further Recommendations for Rectification:
A technician needs to be called so he can run the possible test to see if equipment is up to exceptional usage.
Hazard 4 Details:
Description of Hazard:
Risk Score:
3. Immediate
actions that can be taken:
Further Recommendations for Rectification:
You can add to this list if you have identified more than four hazards
C: Risk Control Plan
In the previous exercise you identified actions that could be
taken. In this task identify those hazards that have the greatest risk and
using the table below document how
the actions (controls) will be monitored.
member 1:Blair Team
member 2:
Date:7/05/14 Location:H
Rating (eg 1) |
or OHS issue
(eg defective wiring on EFTPOS terminal) |
action (including hierarchy of control action that will be used, eg eliminate electrical hazard by replacing
EFTPOS terminal)
A,B,C (eg A) |
date for completion
(Low Priority)
Electrical Extension Cords good condition/fixed in position
Have Cords bind and check area for anymore unbounded cords.
student to inform teacher or admin to inform spotless/technician
(Low Priority)
Air conditioning is not getting enough air through class room
Student to inform teacher, teacher to inform institute where they will take the necessary actions
student to inform teacher or admin to inform spotless/technician
(Low Priority)
Could not find a current Test and Tag on equipment
Warn teacher of there being no test or tag on equipment so they can investigate
student to inform teacher or admin to inform spotless/technician
Plan agreed by:
Representative of workplace/learning
A = must be addressed immediately
B = must be completed by agreed date
C = desirable to be complete
OHS Policy
The responsibilities for "THEFX" management team is to make sure all employee has
ample opportunity to work in a safe work environment. It is generally accepted that we will:
• provide a safe and healthy workplace and working conditions for all, including employees,
contractors, customers and visitors
• provide training to enable all employees to work safely
• comply with all relevant legislation and industry standards
• provide support and assistance to employees
• consult with staff and contractors where relevant to enhance the effectiveness of
• provide adequate resources to aid employees in fulfilling their
• conduct investigations into all reported incidents
• ensure that appropriate return to work programs are in place
• conduct regular reviews and evaluations of the health and safety systems
in place.
While at work all employees regardless of position are expected to:
• take reasonable care to ensure good health and safety procedures are
implemented at all times
• identify and support measures to eliminate or minimise unsafe conditions
• assume personal responsibility for their own safety and for those of other
work colleagues by always operating in a safe and appropriate manner.
"THEFX" has develop the procedures needed to follow.
OHS responsibilities for all workplace personnel in accordance with OHS
policies, procedures and programs
It is important that each individual know what their:
- What their "Duty of Care" is to follow employees
- Who they need to report to
- What authority they have in curtain situations
- What are their Health and Safety responsibilities are when required to know so as they
change depending on what job position they have within the company.
"THEFX" training courses that are compulsory for employees to understand what is
expected of them when working for "THEFX" and what to do when such an event happens.
Fire warden job responsibilities within the company
- Organize fire Drills every Month
- In the event of an emergency fire they will evacuate building
- Talk to safety officer about new policies to be implemented at all times
- and fire equipment(extinguisher etc..) are working and Up to date
Occupational Health and Safety Officer
- Organize safety meetings
- Attend meetings involving new policies being implemented
- Make sure everyone is following OHS policies
- Make sure everyone is informed of new OHS policies and have up to date knowledge and
the correct training on new and current OHS policies
- To oversee all attempts of OHS being used
- To provide employees with the necessary equipment to use OHS policies
- Compile statistic reports on OHS policies and their effectiveness
- To provide advice on OHS policies and how employees can help with improving them
- Produce relative materials for OHS policies
- Provide a secure and safe workplace for all employees
- And co-ordinate with all other OHS organizations to produce the best policies and
materials for OHS
expected of them when working for "THEFX" and what to do when such an event happens.
Fire warden job responsibilities within the company
- Organize fire Drills every Month
- In the event of an emergency fire they will evacuate building
- Talk to safety officer about new policies to be implemented at all times
- and fire equipment(extinguisher etc..) are working and Up to date
Occupational Health and Safety Officer
- Organize safety meetings
- Attend meetings involving new policies being implemented
- Make sure everyone is following OHS policies
- Make sure everyone is informed of new OHS policies and have up to date knowledge and
the correct training on new and current OHS policies
- To oversee all attempts of OHS being used
- To provide employees with the necessary equipment to use OHS policies
- Compile statistic reports on OHS policies and their effectiveness
- To provide advice on OHS policies and how employees can help with improving them
- Produce relative materials for OHS policies
- Provide a secure and safe workplace for all employees
- And co-ordinate with all other OHS organizations to produce the best policies and
materials for OHS
The key duties of implementing the plan are meant for the senior management team, but "THEFX"
employees all have the responsibility to use and implement the plan in their work environment anyway
they can. "THEFX" management team are responsible for the implementation through the company.
Measurement and Evaluation
Financial and Human reaources
There are three main goals that "THEFX" likes to use for measuring performance;
1. Identify problem and evaluate best options to solve it with set goals and strategy
2. Identify course of problem and implement strategy,possibly review strategy
3. Identify flaws in strategy, identify areas for improvement and, Lack of improvement in areas
where improvement was needed as notified in previous reports
By measuring the performance it allows our company to assess the mistakes we have made and decide
on a budget based on the performance of our staff and how mistakes made affect the company yearly
profit intake.
It is important to budget the company so as not to waste money on people who don't need to be
trained in certain areas. This makes sure that those trained in an area like first aid would have all the
necessary training because money wasn't wasted on someone who didn't need the first aid training and
attend those training sessions instead on attending training that they would need to further their position in
the company.
Budget Cost
the set budget for OHS is set at $250,000.00 a year. Cost changes Budgeted $1,000.00 a year
Fire Extinguishers - Required yearly checks and when expired replacing - Cost Changes, budgeted -
Fire Warden - salary $55,000.00 - $69,000.00 a year
Safety Officer - salary $50,000.00 - $60,000.00 a year
OHS training - $675.00
Management Review
It is important that management get involved in making the workplace a safer and fun enviroment
for all. We have installed a suggestion box in the staff room for employees to make anonymous
suggestions to help improve the environment they work in. We have also started weekly meeting
sessions and once a month we have a small weekend consultation with everyone so we can get together
with everyone so they can help this process along.
there are signs along hallways in the workplace indicating the correct way to lift Boxes, for example;
This sign indicates the correct procedures on how to life a box. these picture cards demonstrate the proper way to proceed in doing every aspect of each task within the company. Some
examples of those are;
- How to dispose of boxes into compactor
- What a area of the workplace should look like i.e the emergency exit shouldn't have and obsticals in the way of it
- and how to dispose of hazards materiel
these picture cards insure that all employees can maintain a safer environment.
if any OH&S hazards appear while employees are at work there are some simple steps so that we can
resolve these hazards in a effective and quick matter.
Step1. find hazard and quarantine the area till it can be fixed or safe to enter
Step2. find cause of incident
Step3. Talk about how the incident was caused and how it happened and get fixed
Step4. Resolve problem and write a report about:
- Were the correct procedures taken if the procedures were broken
- Have the correct safety checks started
It is inportant that a weekly inspection of "THEFX" workplace, the following inspection form it
to help in identerfiying majour areas.
The key duties of implementing the plan are meant for the senior management team, but "THEFX"
employees all have the responsibility to use and implement the plan in their work environment anyway
they can. "THEFX" management team are responsible for the implementation through the company.
Measurement and Evaluation
Financial and Human reaources
There are three main goals that "THEFX" likes to use for measuring performance;
1. Identify problem and evaluate best options to solve it with set goals and strategy
2. Identify course of problem and implement strategy,possibly review strategy
3. Identify flaws in strategy, identify areas for improvement and, Lack of improvement in areas
where improvement was needed as notified in previous reports
By measuring the performance it allows our company to assess the mistakes we have made and decide
on a budget based on the performance of our staff and how mistakes made affect the company yearly
profit intake.
It is important to budget the company so as not to waste money on people who don't need to be
trained in certain areas. This makes sure that those trained in an area like first aid would have all the
necessary training because money wasn't wasted on someone who didn't need the first aid training and
attend those training sessions instead on attending training that they would need to further their position in
the company.
Budget Cost
the set budget for OHS is set at $250,000.00 a year. Cost changes Budgeted $1,000.00 a year
Fire Extinguishers - Required yearly checks and when expired replacing - Cost Changes, budgeted -
Fire Warden - salary $55,000.00 - $69,000.00 a year
Safety Officer - salary $50,000.00 - $60,000.00 a year
OHS training - $675.00
Management Review
It is important that management get involved in making the workplace a safer and fun enviroment
for all. We have installed a suggestion box in the staff room for employees to make anonymous
suggestions to help improve the environment they work in. We have also started weekly meeting
sessions and once a month we have a small weekend consultation with everyone so we can get together
with everyone so they can help this process along.
there are signs along hallways in the workplace indicating the correct way to lift Boxes, for example;
This sign indicates the correct procedures on how to life a box. these picture cards demonstrate the proper way to proceed in doing every aspect of each task within the company. Some
examples of those are;
- How to dispose of boxes into compactor
- What a area of the workplace should look like i.e the emergency exit shouldn't have and obsticals in the way of it
- and how to dispose of hazards materiel
these picture cards insure that all employees can maintain a safer environment.
if any OH&S hazards appear while employees are at work there are some simple steps so that we can
resolve these hazards in a effective and quick matter.
Step1. find hazard and quarantine the area till it can be fixed or safe to enter
Step2. find cause of incident
Step3. Talk about how the incident was caused and how it happened and get fixed
Step4. Resolve problem and write a report about:
- Were the correct procedures taken if the procedures were broken
- Have the correct safety checks started
A Image of "THEFX" Hazard report
It is inportant that a weekly inspection of "THEFX" workplace, the following inspection form it
to help in identerfiying majour areas.
We also have a risk managment report so that employees can inform us of the risk a possible hazard may repersent
Continual Improvement
Training Program
Each new employee will go through orientation, and will have to fill out a few forms to prove
their knowledge on Occupational Health & Safety, these forms include;
- OHS basic
- Fire Safety
- How to use equipment safely and effectively
- Hazard procedures
There will be refresher courses every 6 months to ensure that everyone is up to standard
on these and any other training or changes to Occupational Health & Safety legislation.
All forms will be stored physically on sight and electronically off and on sight."THEFX" has
an inbuilt system that stores the information electronically so that it can be accessed at any
time. Also if needed it automatically sends an email to OHS officer, in the occurrence of
an employee in needing to be retrained.
All Documents, procedures, policies and OHS forms, have all been checked and comply
with legal legislation.
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